Daniel Mondragon

Daniel Mondragon


I have worked at JGR for over seven years as a mechanic.  From the beginning of my time at JGR, I felt welcomed and pursued by the chaplains at JGR.  Initially, I got involved by the chaplains building a relationship with me and getting to know me.  They got to know my background, family, desires, and what life was like for me.   My relationship with them grew as I was quickly invited to get more involved by attending their Wednesday Bible Study that is a weekly, large group meeting where we can come hear about what Christianity is and how it applies to our lives.  At that point in my life, the chaplains’ involvement in my life was very important.  I was really growing in my relationship with the Lord and the chaplains really helped foster and encourage that in my life.  At the time, I knew their presence was helpful, but I didn’t realize the significance of their impact at the time.  


In professional sports, we all have a lot of pressure on us as we live in a high-performance oriented industry.  The high expectations and pressures can easily consume your life, and you can lose sight of the most important things.  The fears of failure and the allure of self-glory are very real.  The anxiety, the pressure, the worship of success can all leave our hearts restless.  On top of the pressures within the industry, we are also real people with lives and concerns outside of the sport.  As real people in a really broken world, we also carry all of those stresses, burdens, and desires into the workplace.  In the midst of life that can often seem to be demanding much and giving little, I need to be reminded and encouraged where to go for real hope and life. The chaplaincy ministry reminds us that there is hope for real grace, mercy, comfort and rest.  It is found in Christ.  The chaplains truly serve as a lifeline to point us to the Life Giver in the midst of a high pressure environment.  I can’t say enough about how valuable the relationships I have built with the chaplains are in my life.  Through the teaching in Large Group to the discussions in small group studies to the one-on-one time with the chaplains, I am very thankful for their presence in my life as I work to honor God here on the race team.